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By Susanna Kalnes, Senior Associate   What makes a great news story?  As PR professionals, this question is so engrained in our brains, it’s constantly circulating our thoughts as we engage in conversation.   We are trained to ask penetrating questions, think creatively, and listen for “hidden gems” in conversation that could lead to potential headlines. … View Article
  By: Chris Blake, Account Director   We live in a technologically wondrous time.   A couple of years ago, the New York Times posted a fascinating article about American Innovation, arriving at the conclusion that the biggest “revolution of recent decades is in the supercomputer most people keep in their pocket.”   Mobile phones… View Article
By: Zachary Vito, Senior Account Executive The earned media landscape that startups face is highly competitive. Building credibility for your company and your spokespeople is important, especially in the early stages of funding and this can be done through implementation of a thought leadership program. Contributed articles are an important component of a thought leadership… View Article
By: Jon Lavietes, Senior Associate   Last month, I was catching up with an old colleague of mine with whom I had survived countless rounds of layoffs at a global PR agency during the first dot-com crash. This colleague, who cut his teeth as a reporter in the dot-com boom before embarking on what is… View Article
By: Chey Bell, Account Manager As a PR firm, staying competitive is all about your ability to deliver results. Your ability to consistently do this is based on the experience and talent within your organization. Finding the right talent these days isn’t just about industry experience, but rather finding highly creative and competitive individuals who… View Article
By Michael Burke, Account Director    We now live in a data-immersed society. What used to be a term that was mostly the domain of folks in white lab coats is now thrown around by just about everyone–salespeople, soccer players, surfers, you name it. “How much data do you get in your plan?” “Do you… View Article
By: Susanna Kalnes, Senior Associate Congratulations, you are going on television to represent your brand or business! Whether it’s your very first time or you’ve done 50 broadcast interviews in the past, going on TV can be both exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time, particularly if your interview will be broadcast live.  But… View Article
By: Zachary Vito, Senior Account Executive, MSR Communications For anyone involved in editorial work, it is important to develop relationships with influencers and reporters outside of the office. But this doesn’t mean you have to physically leave the office. We’ve all heard the sirens and warning calls that Twitter is dying, but it is still… View Article