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By Jon Lavietes, Senior Associate Like it or not, most reporters are bound by the rules of the Associated Press Stylebook, a lengthy list of style, usage and grammar guidelines that has served as a de facto standard in journalism for many decades (although there are several exceptions, including the New York Times, which has… View Article
By Kaitlyn Lambert, Account Executive I’d like to start by saying that I’m no Michael Phelps, but I did swim competitively in high-school and still enjoy swimming recreationally now. During a recent swim at my local gym, I got to thinking about what a large impact the sport had on my early career and continues… View Article
By Susanna Kalnes, Senior Associate Hi, my name is Susanna Kalnes and I’m addicted to podcasts. I listen to them while I’m commuting to work, getting ready in the morning, walking to and from the grocery store, working out, cooking, and doing house chores. I tune in to everything from podcasts relaying the day’s news… View Article
By: Ryan Wilkinson, Account Coordinator From Silicon Valley on the West Coast to Wall Street in the East, 2018 was a year full of brands finding themselves in sticky situations, often of their own making, and trying to find a way to get back on the public’s good side. It seems like we see more… View Article
By Alexa Grunder, Office Marketing Coordinator With the end of 2018 rapidly approaching, we asked our staff to give their PR predictions for 2019. Here is what they had to say. Chris Blake, Account Director “Transparency in algorithms will be a key focal point for the media and lawmakers in 2019, especially as they pertain… View Article
By Michael Burke You may be dazzled, spooked or annoyed by the ability of online retailers to predict which products you’re interested in purchasing—but what if you could play the same game? Whether it’s Amazon recommending soap or Netflix suggesting a movie, more companies are making personalized predictions using variations on a machine learning tactic… View Article