Originally published May 1, 2024 | By: Fact Checked By: Alexandra Pankratyeva

It’s surprisingly simple to fall prey to a phishing scam. Whether it’s an appealing email proposition, a message on social media, or a pop-up ad while you’re surfing the web, scammers excel in the art of deception.

Even if you pride yourself on being security conscious, you can still be caught off guard.

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having clicked on a phishing link or attachment in a phishing attempt, we’ve gathered the 10 steps to follow.

1. Disconnect From the Internet

Disable Wi-Fi or unplug the Ethernet cable, says Robert Siciliano, a cybersecurity expert and CEO of ProtectNowLLC.com.

“Disconnecting prevents any potential malware or any remote access technology from communicating with the remote hackers’ servers,” he says.

2. Scan for Malware

Use reliable antivirus software to run a full system scan, says Julian Durand, vice president of product management and chief information security officer at Intertrust Technologies, a provider of trusted computing products and services.

“This will help identify and remove any malware that may have been installed,” he says.

Read the whole list of tips on Techopedia.