Clustrix, the provider of the first scale-out database designed to meet the elastic scaling requirements of high-transaction, high-value Web applications, announced today the results of its benchmark test, which compared the performance of ClustrixDB to Amazon Aurora running in AWS. The results demonstrate that ClustrixDB is the top choice for companies that require or anticipate high growth, and will be placing tremendous demands on mission-critical databases, such as those used in ad tech, gaming, e-commerce, web and mobile businesses. Benchmark results will be published and discussed on February 25, 2016 at their live webinar, Benchmark Showdown: Which Relational Database is the Fastest on AWS?
“While AWS Aurora offers modest improvements over MySQL, companies that place high demands on their database will eventually hit a point at which they begin experiencing performance problems,” said Mike Azevedo, President and CEO, Clustrix. “ClustrixDB’s unique architecture enables it to achieve MySQL-compatibility and scalability on a much greater level.”
10x the performance of Aurora
While Aurora made headlines with 5x performance improvements over MySQL, the benchmark shows that ClustrixDB can achieve performance beyond 10x that of Aurora. ClustrixDB consistently delivers the fastest database response times and transaction throughput over Aurora running in AWS.
“Response time can be kept at sub-20ms rates—the threshold at which busy sites begin to experience performance issues,” saidDave Anselmi, Director of Product Management, Clustrix. “Aurora’s response time gets worse as load increases—you may not notice it until you get to a certain level of performance, but for companies that anticipate rapid growth, this is going to be a serious issue.”