Originally posted on 26 April 2023 | By John Hackston
If you’re stuck in a job you hate, it’s usually easy to think of the reason why you hate it (or several reasons). Your manager is never satisfied, the job isn’t what you thought it would to be, the pay is poor and not getting better, your co-workers are not the vibe — the list goes on. Sometimes solutions for a sucky job aren’t obvious, but knowing your personality type can help you figure out what’s going wrong.
Academic research using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment shows that people who have similar personality types to their co-workers have higher levels of job satisfaction — and are likely to stay in their jobs for longer. Research also show that the strength of this working relationship differs between different occupations. At the Myers-Briggs Company, we’ve built on this research alongside our own data to help place each personality type across a wide range of occupations. Even if you haven’t completed the MBTIOnline careers report, knowing your personality type and preferences can help you decide what your next career move might be. Here’s what you need to know!
Read the full article at MSN.