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The U.S.-based web content and customer experience management firm, Kentico Software, has conducted a Non-Profit Website Survey among 332 American adults who regularly donate to charities online to learn what’s important for them besides the cause itself.

The research finds that a compelling visual content and an engaging copy are as important for nonprofits as for businesses. 35% of the respondents say they are likely to donate more if an organization’s website or other online platforms feature some “sharable” emotional stories (35%) or robust statistics (32%).

Some interesting highlights from the research:

  • 75% donate to some causes online regularly throughout a year
  • only 12% question the impact of their donations
  • 67% are loyal donors to their charities of choice
  • 47% visit the same non-profit website regularly
  • 44% prefer to donate online (vs. by cash in person)

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