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By Lucy Siegel | August 11, 2020 The amount of content online keeps growing exponentially. Digital marketing distribution channels, such as blog posts, are packed with new content daily, supplementing rather than replacing existing online content. According to WordPress, on their platform alone every month there are over 70.5 million new blog posts, and more… View Article
By Lucy Siegel | July 29, 2020 The following are three true stories involving public relations ethics. It’s not personal, it’s just business Several public relations agencies in New York City were competing for a new account. The client finally selected Agency A.  As the agency was beginning work, its president got a call from the… View Article
This article originally appeared in Experfy on July 17, 2020.  By Michael Burke In the race to become data driven, it’s clear that some industries have a tougher time than others. Namely, industries where human intuition is still of prime importance such as journalism or PR (public relations) are particularly difficult to quantify. To be certain,… View Article
This article originally appeared in B2B PR Sense Blog by Marx Communications on June 25, 2020. By Wendy Marx Looking for that next thing to give your personal brand a leg up? How about video? Using video for personal branding has helped many people to expand their brand and reach more audiences And COVID-19 has… View Article
By Lucy Siegel | June 24, 2020 Disinformation and misinformation have become more hazardous than ever before. They interfere not only in politics and government, but also in business, science, entertainment, sports and just about every other realm of life. They can seriously harm a reputation or do other serious damage in a matter of… View Article
By Kai vom Hoff | April 20, 2020 PR Boutiques International announces survey results on media relations in the COVID-19 era Many public relations professionals feel awkward about approaching journalists during this time of crisis when COVID-19 eclipses all other news. How to pitch the media during the coronavirus crisis was the subject of a new… View Article
By Lucy Siegel | June 2, 2020 The universal goal of public relations is to get through to your target audience with your company’s (or client’s) story as you want it to be heard, in a way that will generate both awareness and engagement. However, the tools for doing this have been changing rapidly in recent years…. View Article
By David Ball | May 14, 2020 It may take Covid-19 – the worst pandemic in over a century and one that has been likened to a killing machine and a nuclear catastrophe – to finally force U.S. businesses to take crisis planning seriously. Until now, crisis planning generally has taken a back seat to day-to-day operations, as most CEOs preferred… View Article