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   As I was pondering blog topics this morning, I stumbled upon this visual of axiom ‘Keep Calm…It’s Just The Media.’ It seemed perfect advice for those responding to the most recent current events that have taken shape in the media. From the Boston bombings to Paula Deen’s gaffes and the present day tragedy at… View Article
A friend’s dad, an electrician, once gave me some dubious dating advice based on his knowledge of circuits. In his theory, having many parallel relationships is a more efficient use of time and resources than a having a series of relationships. If one fails in parallel, then more resources can be directed to the others… View Article
With so much emphasis in our industry about brands; and branding and its impact, 2013 meant it was high time for me to reevaluate the MSR Communications brand, and modernize our look and feel, while increasing the engagement with our own original content and website, just as we have done for countless clients. Alas, after… View Article
The other day I was reminded of the struggles business owners and working parents face when striving for the euphemism “work-life balance.” I’d read a blog post in the Wall Street Journal written by a colleague who suggests that in today’s uber-connected, ‘always on’ world, ‘balance’ has a different meaning. We need to savor life… View Article