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We all know that getting a journalist’s attention can be tough in the PR world, but there are a couple tactics people use that easily end with a successful conversation. Starting with sending useful materials to the writers, even if it doesn’t concern the client. Be specific and direct with email subject lines, by directly… View Article
When presenting to an audience, it is important to consider two recognized communication paths: verbal and visual. The visual is the one that the audience reacts to first or more immediately and will likewise retain. In this infographic below, it shows that we truly do live in a visual world. Every PR professional should include multimedia… View Article
People who work in the media often ask themselves the same questions such as “what makes a good news story?” and “will this press release grab the attention of journalists?” The answer: engaging content. Audiences want to be influenced and read relevant news that interests them. When writing a press release, having a strategic plan… View Article
An interior, ca. 1978 We’ve all heard about how Edison’s Miracle is filling up landfills and burning way too much electricity that must be made by burning way too much coal that is dug up by West Virginians that now have black lungs. This is all very bad, but light bulbs and light fixtures can… View Article
A recent study by Kentico found that 68% of US consumers “mostly” or “always” ignore brand posts on every social network. “Experience The Blog: Social Experiences that Build Brands,” by Augie Ray, features the Kentico survey results and discusses the secret to successful social media marketing. We can all agree that creating a Facebook page,… View Article
Kentico’s integrated marketing solution got an update today with enhanced personalization and segmentation on what they call a better user interface. Thomas Robbins, chief evangelist for Kentico, told CMSWire “We believe the difference between success and failure in digital marketing can come down to the time, expense and ease with which to launch, manage and… View Article
Twitter announced two new mobile features this afternoon: the ability to identify people in photos and include up to four separate photos in a Tweet. Worried that your pictures might use your entire 140 characters? Via the Twitter Android or iOS apps, you’ll be able to label up to ten people in a photo, and your 140-character count remains unaffected. Each time… View Article
Partaking in my usual fun lunch reads, I came across a very interesting article featured on VentureBeat written by Patrice Francois, co-founder and associate director at Digimind, one of the fastest growing companies in the field of social media monitoring software. Oftentimes a mishap can damage a company’s brand. Not only does a consumer’s interest… View Article
Guiness’s “Everybody’s Irish” ad campaign invites people to tell a story about themselves; the cornerstone of American identity. The Irish comedian Dylan Moran complains about Americans who overemphasize their Irishness. “Yeah, I’m Irish. My grandma was an O’Flannery, did you know her?” America’s massive Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations are the pinnacle of this attitude that… View Article