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Each year, I’m both awed and overwhelmed by the incredible impact and promise that technology has on consumers across the globe. There’s no greater place to witness its affect than in the numerous hotels, convention center showrooms, and on the streets of Las Vegas, Nevada, during the first week in January at the annual Consumer… View Article
5 PR Trends to Look for in 2016 “The sky will tumble, mountains will crumble. If you’re afraid of change, 2016 will be a miserable year.” – Katie Paine Here are some trends the PR News staff are anticipating in the New Year. And number one on the #PRNews list? Smart Storytelling = Avoiding Content Pollution: With the… View Article
Every year around this time, I start to think more about just how old-fashioned it seems that in PR, we still do so much of our storytelling around seasons and holidays. Having now been in the business world for three years, it’s becoming apparent to me that it’s very easy to get disconnected from the… View Article
According to U.S. Census Bureau data, 99.7 percent of all businesses in the US are small businesses. And according to an April 2015 study by Manta, 59% of small businesses are dissatisfied with their return on investment from social media. Here some tips for making your story hit the headlines: Combine trends: Take two trends that are hot right… View Article
We have a lot to be thankful for here at MSR Communications! From our terrific, innovative clients to our outstanding, collaborative team. This Thanksgiving, we’re especially pleased to share the news that MSR Communications was one of only a handful of boutique agencies to be honored by PR News’ annual ‘Top Places to Work in… View Article
The data that is produced by sensors in oil exploration, test data in aerospace testing and manufacturing, and a wide range of industrial applications, is often needed years or decades later. Yet, engineers across these industries face a fundamental and serious challenge, as this information often becomes lost through cycles of hardware refreshes. Peaxy, Inc…. View Article
It is an ongoing complaint of journalists that PR people pitch them irrelevant material, clutter their inbox, disturb them on deadline with annoying requests, and so on. PR people complain in kind that journalists are difficult to get through to, even when when good-for-everyone excellent stories are the sure outcome of a pitch. The result… View Article
  In keeping with the ‘Pride’ theme that’s beautifully colored the streets of San Francisco for the past month, I’m proud to share a similar sense of pride as this week marks 15 years of MSR Communications: an incredible team of professionals, innovative clients, and numerous milestones achieved. From MSR’s humble beginnings in my living… View Article