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It had all the makings of a successful product launch: a highly-recognizable brand, a built-in global fanbase of millions, and a great team of game developers with roots in a silicon valley icon – Google.  But the launch of Pokemon Go, the highly anticipated augmented-reality mobile game, was immediately followed by a barrage of social… View Article
As Oracle snatches up cloud companies to offer a branded cloud solution, observers ask whether or not this approach will fly? Companies that have thrived in the cloud recognize that it’s more than a way to deliver applications. It’s an approach that means freedom to try out new things, quickly discard things that aren’t working,… View Article
When organizations consider the benefits of enterprise tech, they undoubtedly focus on how that tech delivers value for the business. But, it is increasingly being suggested that organizations should also consider how enterprise tech might aid in the attraction and retention of top-level talent. Even as far back as 2014, on the website for the… View Article
Last year, McGraw-Hill Education conducted a survey that showed 81 percent of students are incorporating mobile devices into their study habits. In the enterprise where, according to a recent Gallup Poll, telecommuters make up as much as 37 percent of the workforce, the reliance on mobile devices continues to grow. But if you think that’s… View Article
In past year, we’ve been excited to see a mass evolution of the eLearning ecosystem.  We’ve seen first hand through custom developments we’ve created on behalf of  our customers to other brilliant and engaging custom pods developed by our partners and others. We’d like to share with you, our perspective on a couple of the drivers… View Article
Social media can be an extremely powerful and effective tool – it can build and maintain relationships with clients, drive traffic to your website, boost sales, increase brand awareness – if used correctly, of course. Social media is such an established component of the marketing process as a whole, that it can sometimes feel infallible…. View Article
Just when you think the Cloud has finally ushered us into a world of transparency and convenience—pay only for what you use, know exactly what you’re paying for—it turns out that you still might find yourself paying for more than you bargained for with some leading cloud vendors. This holds true for even some of… View Article
Forget about the name-dropping self-promotion that is many companies’  go-to strategy for everything from sales to SEO to marketing.  Desperately shoving your company’s name into the conversation at any given opportunity actually dilutes your reputation and feels forced.  Rather than frightening potential customers by going on the offensive in your full throttle approach to getting… View Article