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Attention trainers: We talked to your learners. They say they want to learn, but you’re failing to engage them. Okay, maybe we didn’t talk to your learners. But we did survey 550 workers, and chances are your learners are harboring at least some of the same complaints. But before we get to those, consider this:… View Article
by Kristen Sasser Are your workers getting the most out of your eLearning sessions? According to the recent results of our new Learning in the Workplace Survey, not so much. While workers, for the most part, seem receptive to training—a whopping 98% consider company-sponsored education important, three-quarters say the virtual training sessions they participate in… View Article
Percona recently published a blog discussing MySQL sharding models for SaaS applications. The blog did a great job highlighting the effort it takes to shard MySQL (e.g. gain write-scale for MySQL SaaS deployments), and discussed understanding both customer data requirements, as well as revenue expectations when designing sharding topologies. But another equally important consideration was… View Article
Are your workers getting the most out of your eLearning sessions? According to the recent results of our new Learning in the Workplace Survey, not so much. While workers for the most part seem receptive to training—a whopping 98% consider company-sponsored education important, three quarters say the virtual training sessions they participate in are not… View Article
Before you get any ideas, we’re talking about good old-fashioned database ACID compliance. ACID is not a new concept to developers. Certainly every DBA knows it, but collectively, the software industry lost its addiction to ACID some time ago. This is because the industry found a new thing to crave: distributed computing. Internet giants like… View Article
Uncertainty, ambiguity and change in today’s global business climate requires exploration, invention, experimentation and adaptation—all of which require learning. So writes Edward Hess in his book, 2014’s Learn or Die. But, he adds, “Organizations cannot learn unless the individuals within them learn. He’s right. When it comes to your organization thriving, sinking or merely floating,… View Article
Google just announced their Beta ‘Cloud Spanner,’ a “horizontally scalable, globally consistent, relational database service.” This impressive hosted technology addresses a long-standing market request: “How can we make our SQL databases scale both writes and reads past a single server?” This is the very important difference between “scale up” and “scale out.” Can adding additional… View Article
We see it everywhere these days.  That great big “thing,” those two scary words that send people into a frenzy.  Adults head for the hills, parents warn their children with bedtime horror stories.  Whatever you do, don’t be consumed by it! That’s right…social media. Oh, how frightening social media can be.  More and more you… View Article