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By Michael Burke, Account Director In my last blog I introduced us to Hadoop, which allows companies to process, store and analyze Petabytes, Exabytes and even Yottabytes worth of data. And not just the kind of data you’d find on a spreadsheet–Hadoop can handle a wide variety of data (some would say just about any… View Article
By Michael Burke, Account Director If you’re working in anything related to tech–and maybe even if you’re not–you’ve probably heard a rather strange word: “Hadoop”. If you still can’t figure out what exactly it is, don’t worry, you’re not alone. But hopefully this multi-part blog series will help! Hadoop is very difficult to understand if,… View Article
By Susanna Kalnes, Senior Associate The art of media relations is a fun and evolving practice, and while press releases, media alerts and pitch emails aren’t the only tools PR people use to connect with journalists, they are still regularly used and quite effective when properly executed. So,  let’s start with the basics – what… View Article
By Kaitlyn Lambert, Account Executive After years of twists and turns, emotionally-charged speeches, and violent battle-scenes, the Game of Thrones television series has come to end. While the show’s final season has been controversial and fans will likely argue the finer points of character arcs for some time, one thing is clear, and that is… View Article
By Chris Blake, Account Director Here we go again. According to an article in Information Management, only 14% of U.S.-based companies are ready to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). With about eight months to go, 44% haven’t even begun the implementation process. The findings from Dimensional Research and TrustArc echo the GDPR readiness of organizations eight months… View Article
SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 29, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Two quick ways to make yourself happier? Recognize inspiration and express gratitude. In honor of how Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers inspired one another and changed the world, The Myers-Briggs Company is partnering with our friends at Look What SHE Did! to promote their video about the mother-daughter team and to help people say thank you more often, especially… View Article
By Alexa Grunder | April 30, 2019 When I first began my career in the PR industry, I noticed an abundance of terms being constantly tossed around in conversations, most of which I had little to no prior knowledge of. It can be overwhelming to keep up if you are new to the world of… View Article
By Kaitlyn Lambert, Account Executive There are two types of people in the world, those who love brainstorm meetings and those who dread receiving that calendar invite for a brainstorm meeting. I, myself, belong to the former category. For one, I never pass up the chance to have a captive audience to hear my ideas,… View Article
By Chris Blake, Account Director Last week we posted the first part of 10 Ways to Ensure Your PR and Marketing Surveys Fail. This week, we’re wrapping up with Part 2. Surveys have long been an effective PR and marketing tool. If done right, they can build great brand awareness while solidifying brand identity. They… View Article