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By Susanna Kalnes | September 9, 2019 One of the biggest pet peeves I have is the term PR gal.  “I’ll have my PR gal do it.”  This just rubs me the wrong way.  For starters, not all PR professionals are “gals” — but also, this term tends to be thrown around all willy-nilly, typically… View Article
By Lucy Siegel Part II: Public Relations Interview Tips & Questions; Warning Signs on Who Not to Hire Not everyone who needs to hire a public relations professional feels comfortable doing it. CEOs and marketing directors in startups and smaller companies may have never hired someone with PR skills and experience before. Even seasoned PR agency professionals… View Article
By Alexa Grunder | August 26, 2019 The workplace tends to be monotonous when working a 9-to-5 job and completing daily tasks on auto-pilot. Almost every office incorporates happy hours into their workplace culture, but what are some more unique activities you can offer? Here are 5 suggestions of easy ways to excite and engage… View Article
By Mary Shank Rockman | August 19, 2019 Penning a blog post spanning 20 years in business is a lot more difficult than I expected! Originally, I’d imagined writing a traditional post that looks back on the evolution of PR during the past two decades, and name our stand out clients and successes along the… View Article
By Cassie Kiene | August 12, 2019 What seems like a very short while ago I stepped off of the BART and up into the streets of the very intimidating Financial District of San Francisco. As I made my way with businessmen and women on the phone, bags and briefcases in hand, walking with purpose,… View Article
By Chris Blake | August 5, 2019 Being a good PR agency professional requires mastering a great variety of skills. Knowing how to write, research, communicate, strategize, build relationships and generate creative ideas are among the most important. Master these talents, and you’ll go certainly go far. But it could be argued that there’s one day-to-day… View Article
By Lucy Siegel | Jul 17, 2019 It’s safe to say that most PR disasters in corporations aren’t caused by the actions of the public relations staff, but develop from the actions and decisions of corporate decision-makers, often by the CEO. Among the countless errors that executives can and do make, the following are notable in… View Article
By Susanna Kalnes, Senior Associate There’s nothing worse than sitting down to a blank Word document with your fingertips on the keyboard with no clue where to begin. Writer’s block, as it’s commonly called, is no fun — especially when you are on deadline. The good news is that there are some simple steps you… View Article
By Leah Henderson, Account Associate I recently finished my first public relations internship (woohoo!) after college and am able to take a sigh of relief; I can now confirm that I did in fact make the right decision to study PR and that my degree is going to good use. I learned a lot studying… View Article