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By Chris Blake, Account Director Last week we posted the first part of 10 Ways to Ensure Your PR and Marketing Surveys Fail. This week, we’re wrapping up with Part 2. Surveys have long been an effective PR and marketing tool. If done right, they can build great brand awareness while solidifying brand identity. They… View Article
By Chris Blake, Account Director Surveys have long been an effective PR and marketing tool. If done right, they can build great brand awareness while solidifying brand identity. They can help generate discussions and debates that provide your client with a platform for thought leadership. They can bring important but ignored issues that your client… View Article
By Susanna Kalnes, Senior Associate Behind every true news story is a journalist who has sought answers to questions that all start with the words who, what, when, where, why and how.  As basic as that may sound, using these six words, consecutively, to explore a topic or resource is absolutely critical when it comes… View Article
By Leah Henderson, Intern On the bus home from work last week, nearing my stop, I realized I had spent the whole ride thinking about how hard it must be to drive a bus in the city. Every time the bus driver had to merge, inch their way between vehicles, quickly stop, etc., I thought… View Article
By Jon Lavietes, Senior Associate Like it or not, most reporters are bound by the rules of the Associated Press Stylebook, a lengthy list of style, usage and grammar guidelines that has served as a de facto standard in journalism for many decades (although there are several exceptions, including the New York Times, which has… View Article
By Kaitlyn Lambert, Account Executive I’d like to start by saying that I’m no Michael Phelps, but I did swim competitively in high-school and still enjoy swimming recreationally now. During a recent swim at my local gym, I got to thinking about what a large impact the sport had on my early career and continues… View Article
By Susanna Kalnes, Senior Associate Hi, my name is Susanna Kalnes and I’m addicted to podcasts. I listen to them while I’m commuting to work, getting ready in the morning, walking to and from the grocery store, working out, cooking, and doing house chores. I tune in to everything from podcasts relaying the day’s news… View Article