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The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge stands as a testament to the power of campaigns that inspire people to create compelling content around a simple concept—something the marketing world has known about for some time. And the numbers in a new study by Kentico Software, released on September 8, back that up. According to the survey,… View Article
What can happen in 15 years? -An infant can go from opening its eyes for the first time, to driving a motor vehicle. -A teenage boy can go from shaving for the first time, to raising his own child. -A PR firm can go from an idea, to a fully functioning company with an awesome… View Article
In keeping with the ‘Pride’ theme that’s beautifully colored the streets of San Francisco for the past month, I’m proud to share a similar sense of pride as this week marks 15 years of MSR Communications: an incredible team of professionals, innovative clients, and numerous milestones achieved. From MSR’s humble beginnings in my living room,… View Article
Welcome to San Francisco, California, land of the opinion, diversified voice, home to liberation of free thought…and also home to the biggest tech boom in America. We, San Franciscans now live in a time of heightened technology, apps being created every nanosecond, technological advances occurring rapidly, and a continuous development of revolutionary hotspots of tech… View Article
Sponsored Content Has a Trust Problem Do you have trust issues with sponsored content? Chartbeat recently conducted a survey that revealed how users respond to a sponsored story. While 48 percent of respondents believe that “sponsored content” means that an advertiser paid for the article to be created and had influence on the article’s content,… View Article
Web Content Management Systems are systems that enable the creation, management and delivery of information through corporate websites, portals, extranets or intranets. In the years, what is now described as Content Management Systems or CMS, were custom developed by internal programmers or external contractors. In the present year, the trend is now purchasing Content Management… View Article
So, is your content marketing strategy a big, fat failure? To answer that question, you’ve got to ask yourself 3 other questions: Do you have any ulterior motives? Are you taking advantage of every opportunity? Do you know the difference between “expert” and “guru”? Companies are creating more and more content for a few reasons:… View Article
You’re #1 goal when reaching out to your audience is to build trust.  The only way to do that is to give them something of value and never to promote your offerings.  If they are interested in your brand, they’ll decide whether or not to buy. According to a new Kentico Software survey, customer trust… View Article
Good news for those with a stake in that endlessly evolving practice we call “content marketing”: the public has accepted it – for the most part. 74% of the general public trusts content from businesses that aim to educate readers about a particular topic. A soon-to-be-released survey performed by CMS software producer Kentico tells us… View Article
As public relations evolves from a segmented business practice into an integral tactic of marketing and sales strategies, press releases have advanced as a tool to support these new relationships. In a recent announcement titled, “BBVA Compass economists say U.S. should adopt national curriculum in education overhaul,” economic research company BBVA Compass demonstrates what a… View Article