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By David Ball | May 14, 2020 It may take Covid-19 – the worst pandemic in over a century and one that has been likened to a killing machine and a nuclear catastrophe – to finally force U.S. businesses to take crisis planning seriously. Until now, crisis planning generally has taken a back seat to day-to-day operations, as most CEOs preferred… View Article
By Jeremiah Mallari | May 26, 2020 Social media is one of the best communication tools in our modern social lives. Being able to connect with family and friends digitally at any time and any place is a pleasure and privilege of advanced technology. While so much of it is easily accessible, it can also… View Article
April 30, 2020 Several digital marketing terms have entered the business mainstream recently that have one thing in common: they all highlight keen attention on the customer; something that every digital marketing agency should do. Here are definitions of three of those terms that work together seamlessly, and an explanation of how the latest digital… View Article
April 14, 2020 Ten days ago, two Oregon emergency room doctors contacted MSR’s PRBI network agency partner, Weinstein PR in Portland, Oregon, for help getting the word out about the tremendous difficulty frontline medical staff are having determining their COVID-19 patients’ wishes. This takes a huge amount of time and effort they don’t necessarily have while… View Article
By Mary Shank Rockman | April 6, 2020 As I type this, I can hear my puppy Beaux barking in the backyard, my teenagers online, and my husband discussing the stock market. No, it’s not a weekend. It’s my new workday and the ‘new normal’ being shared by millions of people across the globe who… View Article
By Lucy Siegel | March 24, 2020 With Corona virus cases increasing geometrically, many people worldwide have to work from home right now. While there’s an abundance of advice about how to organize yourself to work remotely, not so much is available for how the boss should suddenly manage an entire staff remotely, especially in this atmosphere where many… View Article
By PRBI | March 5, 2020 Businesses and nongovernmental organizations around the world are quickly working to develop communication management plans to respond to COVID-19, the disease caused by new strain of the coronavirus, which is spreading around the world. Here are 10 things to keep in mind when assembling your organization’s COVID-19 plans: Form… View Article