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The Myers-Briggs Company Case Study Story
Mention the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument to any HR professional, career counselor, business person or consumer and they would undoubtedly recognize the gold standard in personality assessments. Yet there was little awareness of CPP, the overarching brand. With a full suite of career and personal development products, a staff of PhD’s and workplace training experts, even an active research department, CPP had to potential to become an invaluable go-to resource for businesses, schools and universities—even individual consumers–IF our MSR Team could get the story out to key influencers.
MSR Strategy
We developed a public relations campaign by creating stories focused on how CPP, its Myers-Briggs test, and its lesser-known products had been highly effective and transformative in specific workplace situations—making employees more productive, and helping them work together more harmoniously. Then we got CPP into national business media outlets targeting the thought circles of C-level executives and decision makers—highlighting provocative theories, and timely issues, including reduced workplace stress and improved employee happiness. Finally, we got the CPP story out to consumers by working closely with CPP’s psychologists and staff—focusing on their success stories in consumer and lifestyle pubs.
The Myers-Briggs Company Case Study Results
CPP became known as more than simply a side-note to Myers-Briggs, but as a leader and go-to resource within the HR, workforce and organizational psychology space. We got placement in all of all the big industry trade publications, including Human Resources Executive, Talent Management, Diversity Executive, CFO, as well as mainstream and business publications, including Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, The New York Times, The New York Times Magazine, FOX News and the Washington Post.
MSR Award
LACP 2012 Spotlight award